Police Arrest Suspect in Mafia-Style Execution in Athens

mafia style execution Athens

The scene of the execution-style killing in the suburb of Psychiko, Athens. Credit: AMNA

Greek police arrested a suspect in the mafia-style execution in Athens of Panagiotis Stathis, a surveyor who had undertaken topographical studies on the islands of the Cyclades, including Mykonos.

Video from surveillance cameras helped identify the suspect who is a 44-year-old with a criminal record.

After the murder, in the Athenian suburb of Neo Psychico, last Tuesday, the suspect had driven a scooter to the eastern Athens suburb of Zografou, where he parked it and took off with a larger motorbike.

Both vehicles have been impounded and are being examined at Hellenic Police’s crime labs.

Mafia-style execution in Athens

The suspect is said to have been in the abduction of shipowner Periklis Panagopoulos, in January 2009.

He has also been involved, according to police, in beatings, robberies and extortion of businessmen. Police sources have also described him as an enforcer on behalf of known criminals.

Stathis was gunned down in his car, on the corner of Kritis and Eikostis Pemptis Martiou streets, outside his office.

The shooter was on a motorcycle and was able to make a speedy getaway after driving up to the car and shooting the victims at least eight times.

Police have recovered at least 15 shell casings from the crime scene, while an audio recording from the time of the shooting indicated that the perpetrator shot a volley of bullets, paused for a few seconds, and then delivered the final shot.

Victim assaulted on Mykonos

In the meantime, police revealed that the victim had been physically assaulted in 2021 on the island of Mykonos and had reported the incident to the authorities, but no suspects had emerged from the ensuing investigation.

They are focusing their investigation into the murder of Stathis on the island of Mykonos, where he had been professionally active since the late 90s.

The victim, a father of two, had for decades been carrying out topographical studies and drawing up plans for major investments on the island, including popular beach bars, some of which had come to the attention of town planning authorities over violations.

He was also reportedly professionally engaged on the islands of Paros and Ios, which will also be the focus of investigation by the police homicide department.

In 2023, a Greek archaeologist responsible for approving building permits in Mykonos was brutally beaten and hospitalized in the Athenian suburb of Kifisia.

Manolis Psarros suffered a severe blow to the back of his head, broken ribs and fractures to his nose and face. He was found in the street, dripping in blood and disoriented, by police after they were alerted by a passer-by.

The victim is an archaeologist and an employee at the Ephorate of Antiquities of the Cyclades, which deals with all issues related to the preservation, protection and safekeeping of antiquities.

Suspicions had been raised over the attack since the victim has been closely monitoring Mykonos and, more specifically, approvals for building permits for hotels and entertainment centers, registering infringements and illegal constructions.

Sources in the archaeological service said they have linked the attack to the arbitrary building activities in areas of archaeological interest taking place on Mykonos, making special mention of two specific entertainment centers on the island’s beaches, which are under the scrutiny of the planning authorities.