Turkey Plans Provocative Fanfare on Cyprus Invasion Anniversary

Turkey Cyprus invasion

Turkey prepares big events to commemorate the 50th anniversary of their invasion of Cyprus in 1974. Credit: Turkish Presidency

July 20 will mark the 50th anniversary of Turkey’s illegal invasion and occupation of the northern third of the island of Cyprus, and Turkey plans to use this day to promote its propaganda.

On this date, when the Cypriots commemorate the wounds of this cowardly and illegal aggression, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to stage a huge party. According to media reports in Turkey, the autocratic leader will send an aircraft carrier along with a total of 50 naval ships to the island.

This is seen by Athens as a deliberate challenge and provocation to Greece and Cyprus, especially at a time when both Greece and Turkey are trying to ease tensions between them.

These provocative military moves by Ankara will also put the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in a difficult position, as he will be attending memorial services and commemorative events on the same day in the free part of Cyprus.

Across the nation, sirens will sound on July 15th. This was the day of the coup that led to the tragic events of 1974. They will sound again on July 20th, the dark anniversary of the invasion.

Cyprus has remained split in two since the Turkish Army invaded and installed a Turkish puppet regime in the north, which is only recognized by Turkey. On the contrary, the Republic of Cyprus in the south is an internationally recognized state and has been a member of the EU for more than twenty years.

Biden urged to commemorate anniversary of Cyprus invasion

US President Biden was urged earlier this year to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Cyprus invasion by inviting the Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides to the White House.

To be more precise, the Congressional Hellenic Caucus sent a letter to President Biden last January. There, the organization urged Biden to take meaningful actions to strengthen the US-Cyprus relationship and showcase Turkey’s non-friendly behaviour in the broader region.

The letter acknowledged President Biden’s understanding and unwavering support for the reunification of Cyprus.

Back in 2021, President Biden had expressed the American position: that the US stands with Cyprus and supports the creation of a Bicommunal Bizonal Federation.

It has to be noted that this solution is based on a plan proposed by the US, Canada, and Britain back in 1979. It involves the reunification of the island, the withdrawal of Turkish and all foreign troops, and meaningful reparations to Greek Cypriots.

Varosha Cyprus
The abandoned city of Varosha. Credit: Zairon, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0

Varosha, a symbol of the Turkish invasion

The once popular tourist hotspot and vibrant resort town of Varosha in Cyprus has been a ghost town for half a century. In its peak days during the 1970s, Varosha was a true playground for the rich and famous who wanted to explore the Eastern Mediterranean. It was dotted with luxurious hotels and beautiful beaches. It also had a lively nightlife scene that attracted thousands of tourists from Greece, Turkey, and beyond.

However, the Turkish military invasion of Cyprus in 1974 forced approximately 40,000 permanent residents to flee. The Greek Cypriot refugees left behind their homes and possessions, hoping they would soon return. They of course did not believe this situation would last for decades.

Tragically, following the invasion, the Turkish occupying forces sealed off Varosha, turning it into an untouched ghost town for half a century.