Are Aliens Actually Walking Among Us on Earth?

Aliens could be walking among us

Researchers suggest aliens could be walking among us on Earth. Credit: kingofthebigmacs / Flickr / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Researchers from Harvard University recently explored the possibility of aliens walking among us on Earth.

Although the study is independent and not directly linked to the university, it looks into the renewed fascination with UFOs. The government refers to these as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena or UAPs. The United States is keeping an eye on over 650 possible UFOs, according to a Pentagon official last year.

Harvard researchers Tim Lomas and Brendan Case, along with Michael Masters from Montana Technological University, have a new idea about UFOs. They suggest there might be a hidden, earth-based reason for these mysterious sightings, calling it the “cryptoterrestrial hypothesis.”

These scholars believe scientists should further think about this possibility. They suggest UFOs might be human constructed or could otherwise come from a very distant and highly advanced civilization in space.

In a discussion with CBS News Boston, Michael Masters asked, “We’ve seen these cockpit videos so many times…but what’s inside?” This question adds to the ongoing curiosity and debate surrounding the unexplained sightings.

UFO builders might be “concealed in stealth” on Earth

The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis, as explained by the team of researchers Tim Lomas, Brendan Case, and Michael Masters, proposes that the intelligence behind UFO sightings might be hiding right under our noses.

Based on this idea, these beings could be living underground, on the distant side of the moon, or even secretly moving among us, disguised as humans.

“We’re not saying this is right, we’re not saying that this is absolutely 100% the case, we’re saying these are some potentialities, [and] these are some possibilities to help explain the origin of these beings,” Masters said.

Michael Masters, a biological anthropologist, has been involved in researching possible explanations for UFO sightings. He presents an intriguing theory. The so-called “aliens” could actually be humans from the distant future who have mastered time travel.

Masters noted that the beings reported in alien encounters are often described as resembling humans. He suggests it is highly improbable for aliens from another planet to look exactly like us. Instead, he proposes, “It may simply be that they’re us.”

Pentagon’s report about “extraterrestrial technology”

A recent Pentagon report stated that there is no evidence to suggest that any sightings of UAP involve extraterrestrial technology. Despite this, researchers emphasize that their paper, while speculative, merits serious thought.

Masters encourages a broader discussion: “It is something that we should all be talking about.” He further speculates that if these UAPs are indeed technology from the future, they could offer solutions to current major challenges such as climate change.

Masters poses a thought-provoking question: “What if we all just opened our minds to the fact that there’s this thing much bigger than us right now, and what could we learn from it?”