First Global Women & Hellenism Conference Held at Ioannina, Greece

First Global Women & Hellenism Conference Held at Ioannina, Greece

Women and Hellenism Conference
Participants in the conference. Credit: Food for Thought Network/Facebook

The first Global Women and Hellenism Conference was held in Ioannina, Greece, in early September, and made history, being a milestone for strengthening the presence and role of Greek women.

Organized by the Melbourne, Australia-based Food for Thought Network (FFTN), the conference was well-attended by women from the Hellenic American Women’s Council (HAWC), and Greece’s Hellenic Association of Women in Culture and Tourism (HAWCT) as well as leading professionals from throughout Europe.

Founded in 2001 by Varvara Athanasiou-Ioannou, FFTN aims to build supportive and empowering networks to make a positive difference in the lives of Greek heritage women and their circle of friends.

With the participation of almost 200 leading women, each holding positions in corporate roles, education or nonprofits, the history-making conference laid the groundwork for the future generations of women who will continue to promote Hellenism and conquer new heights.

Main themes of Women and Hellenism Conference

The three main themes of the conference included:

  • “The Representation of Hellenism and its Influence on Women,” examining how Hellenism has shaped the lives and identities of women around the world, highlighting the enduring influence of the rich, cultural heritage;
  • “Multidimensional Identity” with women from different walks of life shared their personal and professional journeys, offering strategies for success and knowledge to deal with complex issues of modern life, while maintaining the faith in our roots; and
  • “The Sustainability of Hellenism” with discussions focused on how to preserve and strengthen the Greek culture and values ​​in a rapidly changing world, ensuring that future generations will continue to be inspired by our heritage.

The first day of the conference focused on domestic violence. Actress Christina Tzialla, dressed as a bride who was murdered before she could enjoy her wedding, dramatizing the poem written and narrated by Ioannou, ‘We Must Stand Together, You and Me’ moved the women deeply.

The delegates held papers with the names of women who were murdered by their own family members, delivering a powerful message against gender violence and genocides.

The second day culminated with the Gala Dinner at the Ioannina Club with wonderful food, music and dancing in the presence of Ioannina Mayor Thomas Bega, Deputy Mayor Christos Tatsis, Stefanos Zervas and Mayor of Souli Thanasis Danis, Deputy Regional Governor Christos Tatsis and many other officials

The third day of the conference included a tour of Ioannina by the department of tourism of the Municipality of Ioannina and then a guided tour of the picturesque stone villages known as Zagorochoria. The day ended with a tribute poem to women ‘Only for Women’ by Anna Bithikotsi.

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