Mitsotakis Addresses Cyprus and Turkey Issues in UN Speech

Mitsotakis Addresses Cyprus and Turkey Issues in UN Speech

Mitsotakis UN
Greece is willing to discuss with Turkey the only outstanding important issue: the delimitation of the continental shelf and the Exclusive Economic Zone, Mitsotakis said. Credit: Press Office of Greek PM

Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis focused his Thursday speech on the Cyprus and Turkey issues at the UN General Assembly.

He stressed Greece’s commitment to the principles of dialogue, diplomacy and democracy as the country prepares to assume the position of a non-permanent member state of the UN Security Council in 2025-2026.

The Prime Minister stressed the need to promote Council reform, referred to improved relations with neighbouring Turkey, reiterated Greece’s support for Ukraine, and supported Israel’s right to legitimate defence, but at the same time called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Mitsotakis on relations with Turkey at the UN

“We will continue to explore ways to improve bilateral relations with Turkey. There is scope for further cooperation to address common challenges such as climate change and migration. We maintain open channels,” he said.

“Over the past year, I have met with President (of Turkey Recep Tayyip) Erdogan six times, including our recent meeting on the sidelines of this General Assembly two days ago. Last December, we signed the Athens Declaration, a document reflecting our intention to resolve our differences in accordance with the principles of international law and in the spirit of good neighbourly relations. of communication to de-escalate any tensions that may arise.

“Greece is willing to work to resolve the only outstanding important issue with its neighbour: the delimitation of the continental shelf and the Exclusive Economic Zone in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean. We have been unable to settle this dispute for more than 40 years, but that does not mean it is fated to remain unresolved.

“I was pleased to hear President Erdogan say that the delimitation of maritime zones in accordance with international law is in the common interest of the entire Eastern Mediterranean region,” the Prime Minister said.

Mitsotakis UN
“The two-state solution, advocated by Ankara and the Turkish Cypriots cannot and will not be accepted.” Credit: Press Office of Greek PM

Mitsotakis on the Cyprus issue

Mitsotakis reaffirmed Athens’ commitment to resolving the Cyprus problem through the solution of a bizonal, bicommunal federation. The two-state solution, advocated by Ankara and the Turkish Cypriots cannot and will not be accepted. It’s simply not a solution, he stressed.

“The president of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides addressed yesterday, from this stage, an emotionally charged and sincere speech, recalling the violence and trauma of the invasion of Cyprus 50 years ago.

“He also expressed his unwavering commitment to dialogue to find a solution. I have complete confidence in this commitment. He is right to argue that international law cannot be applied à la carte and that history cannot be rewritten or erased.

He repeated that Greece fully supports the efforts of the UN Secretary-General for the resumption of negotiations in this context.

“We call on Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot community to come to the negotiating table, at least to cultivate mutual trust and to discuss sincerely to reach a mutually acceptable, fair and sustainable solution” underlined the prime minister.

Participation of Greece in the Security Council

“In the Security Council, Greece will make every effort to act as a stabilizing factor. This work starts immediately, from our immediate neighbourhood. After all, as a gateway to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, Greece is 900 miles away from both Gaza and Ukraine,” Mitsotakis said.

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