Google’s Gemini AI Is Entering the Work Space

Googleplex HQ

Googleplex HQ
Googleplex HQ. Credits: The Pancake of Heaven! CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Google is adapting Gemini AI to be used in the workplace, potentially increasing its usage by the millions.

Over the past six months, Google has allowed companies like Volkswagen US, Warner Bros. Discovery, and Snap to use its artificial intelligence system for various purposes. The companies have used Gemini and Google’s Vertex AI platform for many creative purposes, from customer service chatbots to machine learning for technology improvement.

In a blog post on The Keyword, Thomas Curian, CEO of Google Cloud, said, “We’re inspired by what customers are building and excited by how quickly they’ve been able to move ideas from experimentation into production with our Vertex AI platform.”

Google will also add Gemini AI to its workspaces, making it a part of its most popular services like Google Docs and Gmail. Integrating Gemini into Google’s popular workspace platforms should make using the artificial intelligence platform smoother, as it will remove the need to buy it as an extension.

Gemini AI’s six agents

Different companies have utilized Gemini AI in various ways in the workspace, and Google has divided its usage into six categories. The tech giant has classified the six categories as agents: customer, employee, code, data, security, and creative.

Snap has integrated Gemini AI into their already existing AI chatbot, making it run much smoother than it did at its inception, thanks to the increased data Google brings. Volkswagen US used artificial intelligence technology to strengthen its customer service chatbot, similar to what T-Mobile and OpenAI are doing with IntentCX.

UPS Capital has used Gemini’s coding agent for machine learning in logistics. UPS now uses artificial intelligence to analyze real-time package movements and catch anomalies in their shipping.

Thanks to Gemini AI’s data agent, Warner Bros. Discovery has saved a lot of money. By teaching the agent machine learning, they have reduced costs by about 50 percent and the time it takes to caption files by 80 percent.

Formula E makes exciting use of the creative agent to summarize the two-hour commentary accompanying a typical race. They feed the agent seasonal storylines and driver data, and Gemini AI creates tailored commentary based on that.

Benefits within Google’s workspace

Google’s issuing Gemini AI allows company customers to use the data to improve the platform. As Google integrates Gemini into its workspaces, the data will benefit the workspace’s fluidity.

In Google Docs and Gmail, Gemini will be able to create automatic prompts based on what it has learned from collected data. This will ease the daily use of these platforms for many employees and increase the speed at which work gets done.

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