Six Candidates for PASOK Leadership at the Starting Line


The six candidates of the PASOK leadership. October 2024.
The debate between the six candidates for PASOK leadership. Credit: AMNA

The six PASOK candidates are ready for Sunday’s party leadership election, each promising to revive the Socialist party that has taken a dive since 2010.

PASOK, the Panhellenic Socialist Movement, has changed a lot since its inception on September 3, 1974. Today, the party that radically changed Greek politics when it came to power in October 1981, is a former shadow of itself. Under the leadership of Andreas Papandreou, it was the first Socialist party that governed Greece with Papandreou gaining the love of most Greeks.

By 2010, when Andreas Papandreou’s son, George Papandreou, was prime minister, Greece was wallowing in an economic crisis. In a snap election, PASOK lost, and two years later after political turmoil, a coalition New Democracy-PASOK government was formed. The two political arch rivals since 1974 joined forces, an unprecedented event.

After the coalition government signed a harsh bailout agreement, the Socialist party lost the majority of its voters, and in all elections since 2015, the once powerful party has been stuck in third place.

As the main opposition Syriza started shrinking following the departure of leader Alexis Tsipras, PASOK opted for second place. However, this was not achievable in the June European Parliament elections.

Nonetheless, after a leadership war between new party President Stefanos Kasselakis and contenders to the throne of Syriza, the leftist party came third after PASOK in opinion polls. This started a game of thrones in PASOK as well, with several candidates openly doubting the abilities of party President Nikos Androulakis to drive the party into first place.

This led to the party election on Sunday, October 6th, with each candidate vowing that he or she is the only one who can beat Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. The New Democracy President is seeing his administration losing points mainly due to inflation, the wildfires his Ministry of Civil Protection failed to contain, and the Tempi train wreck tragedy that left 57 dead.

The six candidates to lead PASOK

On September 26th, the six candidates presented their positions in a live debate that lasted two and a half hours on public television ERT.

Pavlos Geroulanos (58) is a long-time PASOK MP who has served as minister of Culture and Tourism (October 4, 2009-May 17, 2012). In the debate, he said that, “It is up to the  PASOK leader whether New Democracy and the social and economic crisis will be defeated.

“Only a leadership that has experience, that has a plan, that will fight for unity, fighting the big battles ahead, in Parliament, in society and inside the party” can defeat New Democracy. He calls for “a leadership that will make the big move from the Left and the Center to the fringes of the Right and the disillusioned voters of Mr. Mitsotakis.”

Nadia Giannakopoulou (46) said PASOK must change. “PASOK must first change itself to convince itself that it can change the country,” she said. “The party cannot be content with small, phobic steps, nor with managerial logic, like another Mitsotakis, nor with populist slogans and murky schemes.”

“PASOK must express society again,” she stressed, “and make the bold radical reforms that people need. That is why its future is decided in these elections. And I say take PASOK into your hands. Get in and overturn opinion polls.”

Nikos Androulakis (45) is the current PASOK chief who defended his post throughout the debate. He said that this is an opportunity for the party to lead, but this opportunity is the result of hard work.

“I believe that we can renew this relationship of political trust that we signed in December 2021 and continue with a political ethos, with consistency, with a specific reasonable program, to embrace all the democratic world of the country, both from the progressive Left and the progressive Center,” he maintained.

Haris Doukas (44) is the Mayor of Athens and appears to be leading in most polls. In the debate he said, “I deeply believe in the potential of this country, in the worthiness of Greeks, in the creative power of our party. History is written with democratic intersections and upheavals that change the course of things. Now is a new opportunity, a new momentum, for a foray into the future.”

“We don’t have a face in front of us,” he said. “We have a cruel and cynical system of power. And to deal with it we need participation, collectiveness and unity. We need to build a strong majority movement again.”

Anna Diamantopoulou (65) The PASOK politician has served as European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs, Greece’s Minister for Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs and Minister for Development, Competitiveness and Shipping.

Diamantopoulou said that, “We need to talk about people’s real lives, about real problems and about the new era…the era of climate change, digital change, the immigration issue, and geopolitical changes. This is what the world wants to hear from us. So this is the first and most important thing. The second is that our party should become participative and self-reliant. And the third, of course, is leadership. Leadership must be international, must have international experience. The leadership must be competent both in Local government and in the Parliament and in the government.”

Mihalis Katrinis (49) addressed “all the people who kept the party standing in hard times,” the PASOK MP said. “We know each other well because we fought this fight together. I am addressing all of you who believed in PASOK. You saw your life change from PASOK. You cried at the faction’s victories and defeats.”

“But we became bitter and disappointed, we moved away,” Katrinis said. “I know very well that you listen to us and expect something from us. I am speaking to all of you who want to change your life, regardless of what you voted for in the last election. I meet you every day, I talk with you, I listen to what you say, I am here with strength and faith for a great faction that will win the next election.”


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