Actor Sonu Sood received DeepFake Video Featuring Himself

sonu sood deepfake video

Actor Sonu Sood, got a fake video of himself from a follower on social media. In the video, someone pretended to be Sonu and talked to a family who needed money for medical reasons.

Sonu wanted to clear things up, so he shared the fake video on a social media platform called X. He wrote in the caption: “My film FATEH is inspired by real life incidents involving Deep Fake and fake loan apps.

He told everyone that the person in the video was not him and warned people to be careful. He said that there have been cases where fake Sonu Soods try to get money from families in need through video calls. He asked everyone to be cautious if they get such calls, using the hashtag #fateh.

Surprisingly, inspired by these events, Sonu became a writer and director for a new thriller called ‘Fateh.’ He spent over a year researching and talking to people who faced cybercrimes. In the movie, he plays a detective trying to protect the country from cybercrime.

Deepfake Exposed

Sonu Sood got caught up in a fake video scam, where someone used tricky technology to fool a family into thinking they would get money from the actor for medical expenses. He shared the fake video online to warn people about such scams and asked them to be careful.

Public Response

People quickly noticed Sonu’s post, and it spread widely, with many views. Others shared their own stories of scams pretending to be Sonu Sood. This made people talk more about how technology can be misused, and we need better protection.

In an interesting twist, Sonu is making a movie called ‘Fateh,’ inspired by real-life incidents like these. The film focuses on the problems caused by fake videos and scams, aiming to teach people to be careful online.