Dinosaur Feathers Were Used for More Than Just Flight

Sinosauropteryx, feathered dinosaur model

Sinosauropteryx, feathered dinosaur model
Sinosauropteryx, feathered dinosaur model. Credits: Ghedoghedo, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

As paleontologists discover more about dinosaurs, they are finding that their feathers were used for more than just flight.

The resources paleontologists have at their disposal have revealed a depth of information on these ancient creatures. Feathered dinosaurs have especially captured experts’ attention.

Initially, it was believed that only Sinosauropteryx possessed feathers among the non-avian dinosaurs. However, paleontologists have since discovered that the famous T-rex and velociraptors, among many others, also did so.

Paleontologists have unearthed evidence of colored and other unique feathers on certain dinosaur fossils to support their claims. By studying the structure of various kinds of plumage, they can determine the purpose for which the particular dinosaur possessed them.

Recently, it was revealed that many dinosaurs indeed had feathers but no flight capabilities. The discovery of the purpose of plumage on non-avian dinosaurs has given paleontologists brand new insight into what the world could have looked like when they walked the earth. Furthermore, scientists can confidently theorize that birds evolved from these dinosaurs.

The purpose of dinosaur feathers on non-avian dinosaurs

Paleontologists found dinosaurs weren’t as scaly and reptilian as they initially believed. Instead, they found that many developed plumage for purposes that don’t involve flight.


The Sinosauropteryx was the first of its kind to have been identified as possessing feathers. Paleontologists then became curious about other dinosaurs that might have had feathers.

The Sinosauropteryx used its feathers to hide. Scientists discovered a color pattern that revealed this dinosaur needed to camouflage with its environment to avoid predation. Others, like the Tianyulong, used their feathers for the same purpose.


The Yutyrannus was 30 feet long and lived in the cold. It was discovered in the Northwest region of China in Liaoning, which experiences frigid temperatures. Thanks to its chilly environment, these dinosaurs developed thicker, fuzzy feathers as insulation.


Among the more exciting uses of plumage is communication. Dinosaurs such as the Psittacosaurus and Caudipteryx used their feathers to communicate. For example, the Psittacosaurus used the long feathers on its tail to speak to others of its kind.

Meanwhile, the Caudipteryx used its plumage to ward off predators and possibly even warn others of its kind.


As is the case with many birds nowadays, feathered dinosaurs used their extravagant colors to seek mates. Struthiomimus and Caihong are a few dinosaurs suspected of using their flashy plumage to court mates. Struthiomimus had long feathers on its arms and may have used them in a ritual to attract a partner.

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