Dorothea Merkouri: Shared a Snapshot from the Past on Social Media

Dorothea Merkouri

Former model Dorothea Merkouri shared a snapshot from the past on social media. The renowned model unearthed one of the photos taken by Roula Revi and shared it with her online friends.

In the black and white snapshot, only her face is visible as she gazes into the camera with a slightly open mouth.

Dorothea Merkouri posted the photo on her personal Instagram account, mentioning that during that period, she didn’t like anything about herself.

She revealed the insecurities she had due to some comments she had heard, stating that now she feels “blessed.”

Dorothea Merkouri in the caption of her post:

“Looking at the photos my friends send me, like the one Roula Revi sent me, I remember that I didn’t like anything about myself when I saw myself in a photo, even though I was fresh and beautiful like a flower.

Yes, I didn’t like it because I had heard from some people that I had a big nose or that I wasn’t exactly the classic model, so I couldn’t work in the fashion industry. These words stuck with me, and as a result, I never liked anything.

Today, I can say that this photo is wonderful; I wasn’t wearing any makeup at all, and we did it very simply in just 1 hour with Roula, like a game… I want girls and boys who, every day, looking in the mirror, always say that they are not as they should be. Who has defined how we should be today?

In the worst era of modern humanity… girls and boys, we are fantastic when we are 20, 30, 40, 70, always “beautiful” because youth does not come back. I know I am blessed today; I know it after a lot of pain. But in our era, no one is enough. Only through love can we be well! I am moving towards my 50s in 2024, and suddenly these photos come to me, why is that? To be honest, I don’t want to hear anyone in their youth say, ‘I don’t like myself.’ I love you, mamma Doro! 💪❤️ ps I have many spelling mistakes, I know.”

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