Greek Singer Antonis Remos Investigated for Tax Evasion

Antonis Remos Tax Evasion

The Greek singer denies the allegations. Public Domain

Popular Greek singer Antonis Remos is investigated for tax evasion and money laundering amounting to 1.5 million euros, charges he denies.

54-year-old Remos is among the best-known singers of his generation and has released many records, most of whom became platinum.

The financial prosecutor launched an investigation in June, but this week, the probe became public knowledge. The prosecutor is investigating the singer and a company he owns that is unrelated to his professional activities. This followed findings from a longer-running investigation by the Anti-Money Laundering Independent Authority.

After months of investigation into the money laundering and tax evasion allegations, the authority has already seized property and real estate assets.

The investigation began after the singer submitted suspiciously low-income tax forms over the past five years, declaring only €50,000 annually despite his successful career in high-society venues and clubs.

Antonis Remos denies tax evasion

The singer hit back at the prosecution saying that he never evaded paying taxes and that he is not involved in money laundering. He also accused the authorities of “leaking” personal information to the press without his knowledge.

“We are all equal before the law, however, the leaks of false information against me are an institutional mistake and violate the Criminal Law. I have categorically never committed tax evasion, and I have received many audits by the tax authorities without any criminal behavior being found,” he said in a statement.

He continued: “I will continue to work normally and I will not cancel any concerts, because dozens of workers make a living. I will fully respond to any audit process and await the filing of my case.”

Born Antonios Paschalidis in Germany in 1970, Remos had his early commercial success between 1995 and 2000. He performed live next to famous artists, such as Dimitris Mitropanos, Stefanos Korkolis and Marios Tokas. He signed his first contract with Sony Music Greece, and released his first album in 1996 titled after his name, which became platinum in a few months.

Since then Remos became a superstar of Greek pop. Thousands of music fans have attended his live performances and he regularly appears on Greek TV.

From March 1999 to September 2007 Remos had been in a relationship with actress and TV presenter Zeta Makripoulia. In 2010 Remos began dating German fashion designer Yvonne Bosnjak. The couple married on 15 September 2018.

Tax evasion and grey economy in Greece

Greeks spend €40 billion more than they declare as income, Bank of Greece governor Yannis Stournaras said recently.

This difference reflects the size of the grey economy Stournaras said, adding that the latest data, from 2021 incomes and expenditures put that size at 20.9 percent of GDP. It is also a reliable gauge of tax evasion, although evasion and the gray economy are not one and the same, Stournaras remarked.

In the period 2015-21, this excess spending ranged from €36 billion to €49 billion, the central banker said.