Greek Yogurt Vs Regular Yogurt: What Are the Differences?

Greek Yogurt Vs Regular Yogurt: What Are the Differences?

Greek Yogurt or Regular Yogurt
The Greek version is a thicker, tangier, higher-protein yogurt. Credit: Janine, CC BY 2.0/Flirck

Greek yogurt has taken over the shelves of the Western world’s supermarkets, where you will perhaps find more varieties of the super-strained Greek product than you do regular yogurt.

The difference between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt occurs in the final processing steps. In the production of Greek yogurt, the whey and other liquids are strained out. This results in a thicker, tangier, higher-protein yogurt. Regular yogurt is not strained, therefore it is thinner and lower in protein.

Straining makes even nonfat varieties thicker, richer, and creamier than unstrained. Since straining removes the whey, more milk is required to make strained yogurt, increasing the production cost.

Comparing Greek yogurt and regular yogurt

Protein, Carbs and Fat:

You already know that Greek yogurt is good for you but did you know that it provides more protein than regular yogurt? That’s right, it has as much protein as eating three ounces of lean meat, according to Prevention magazine.

This makes eating it a great way to get in shape, since consuming more protein means that you won’t get hungry soon after eating. Protein fills you up more effectively than any other type of food, making it an ideal snack to curb your appetite.

In addition, the whey-straining method of preparing it means that it has fewer carbs and sugar than regular yogurt.

Eating Greek yogurt may improve bone health, as it is rich in calcium and protein. Calcium promotes bone health and can reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a degenerative bone disease. Consuming enough protein is also vital for bone health

Of course, there is one thing you need to keep in mind when putting Greek yogurt into your daily diet – fat.

It does have a higher fat content than the regular yogurt you will find at your supermarket. However, if you are watching your fat intake, you can always opt for a low-fat or fat-free Greek yogurt to cater to your dietary needs.


Greek yogurt is smooth and creamy and a great deal thicker than regular yogurt. It’s actually like you are treating yourself to a dessert rather than a healthy snack!

The reason why it is so much thicker than regular yogurt is because the whey from the milk is strained from the Greek product.


If you ever try to make any Greek dish that calls for yogurt, don’t fool yourself – the regular yogurt just won’t do!

You need to get yourself some smooth, creamy, super-strained and fat-filled Greek yogurt; Tzatziki just isn’t the same with low-fat, watery regular yogurt!

Greek Yogurt
Tzatziki just isn’t the same with regular yogurt. Credit: Nikodem Nijaki, CC BY-SA 3.0/Wikipedia Commons

Swap sour sauce or mayo with yogurt. It will give pies, bread and tacos a fresh taste that will leave you satisfied and save you from burning some extra calories later.

Greek yogurt is perfect as a dip for salads and roast potatoes. But that’s not all of it yet.

Cook your lamb, beef or chicken in the oven by adding yogurt mixed with herbs and eggs to make it a bit more gourmet than regular meat dishes.

Some even add yogurt with spices on their pasta or in soups, which are mostly served cold and are a perfect meal for those in a hurry.

So go ahead and indulge! You’ll be doing yourself a favor when you make Greek yogurt, in either regular or frozen form, a staple of your diet.

Related: Make the Most of Greek Yogurt

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