How much was Griselda Blanco making a month? Griselda Blanco Net Worth

How much was Griselda Blanco making a month

Let’s read about Griselda Blanco Net Worth and how she made her empire. Griselda Blanco managed to conceal both drugs and cash from authorities, but you’ll be shocked to know how much she really accumulated during her lifetime.

Cocaine Smuggling Operation

Before she was gunned down in a public hit in her hometown on September 3, 2012, Griselda Blanco was profiting from the booming cocaine trade that permeated the 1970s and 1980s.

How much was Griselda Blanco making a month? Griselda Blanco Net Worth

After setting up a network that moved massive amounts of the stimulant across the sea from Colombia and through a vast United States distribution chain, she began to see the fruits of her labors.

Blanco kept her money-making enterprise moving largely due to her ruthless hits on enemies. According to Britannica, it was Blanco’s ruthlessness that paved the way for the Cocaine Cowboy Wars, a violent era that began in the late-1970s.

She had no qualms ordering hits in public areas during the day, including a local mall. When her foes began to order hits on her, she moved to the United States.

But her reign of terror soon came to an end when she was arrested in 1985 and sentenced to 20 years in prison. While she managed to secure an early release, she was ultimately deported to Colombia, where she was later killed.

Blanco is believed to be behind up to 200 murders, and she took her savagely earned blood money and funneled it into real estate.

So just how did Griselda Blanco earn so much money, and what was she worth at the peak of her operation? The answer might surprise you.

“She basically invented bringing cocaine from South America and into the United States.”

Smuggling Techniques

The drug operation that Blanco used to accumulate her vast wealth was clearly both wide-reaching and profitable.

Blanco operated her cocaine smuggling operation out of New York City. In one particular example of her cunning, Blanco would apparently have her lingerie fitted with secret compartments that were used to conceal drugs.

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Speaking to the “Real Narcos” podcast, historian Elaine Carey went into more detail about the revolutionary smuggling methods that drove Blanco’s massive empire, saying, “They were the right people at the right time with the right product. It wasn’t just coming in on people’s bodies. It was also coming in false bags, suitcases, and dog crates.”

But according to Carey, it was customized lingerie that was particularly important for the operation, as she explained, “They were also creating garments that would facilitate this, such as specialized brassieres and girdles and things like that where they could actually enhance the female figure. These garments would allow for the drugs to be more smoothed around the body and it would just look like a woman’s natural figure.”

How much was Griselda Blanco making a month?

1 kilogram of cocain Worth $10,000 in profit

According to Noiser, Blanco’s smugglers could easily board flights with their drugs hiding in plain sight. The outlet claims that each specially fitted bra could hold 1 kilogram of cocaine, which at the time amounted to approximately $10,000 in profit.

Griselda Blanco Net Worth Before Death

Before her death, Celebrity Net Worth estimated that Griselda Blanco owned approximately $500 million worth of property. In the wake of her death, Colombian federal law enforcement seized four properties that amounted to around $118.7 million.

Though her wealth appeared to have declined in her later years, signs of her life of luxury still followed her after her death. Notably, her casket bears golden Arabesque designs, echoing the billions of dollars that she built throughout her life.

Per The Guardian, Blanco was reportedly raking in tens of millions of dollars monthly from her enterprise, which was known to make drug shipments that exceeded 1,500 kilograms.

Monthly Income and Business Valuation

At her peak, Celebrity Net Worth valued her at an astounding $2 billion and claimed that she made up to $80 million per month through her business.

As is expected from a former cartel drug lord, Blanco was believed to have held vastly more properties than were on the books, hundreds of which are rumored to never have been discovered by law enforcement.

Speaking to El Pais, a Colombian police officer addressed Blanco’s post-prison wealth amid rumors that she was struggling financially, saying, “Poor? Listen to this: you and I are poor. She went around driving her mazdita and collecting the money from the leases on the properties she still owned. She was also selling a building for 1.5 million pesos.

Key PointsDetails
Cocaine Smuggling OperationGriselda Blanco pioneered the smuggling of cocaine from South America into the United States during the 1970s and 1980s. She set up a network that moved massive amounts of cocaine through a vast distribution chain, leading to the lucrative growth of her enterprise.
Smuggling TechniquesBlanco used innovative smuggling methods, including fitting lingerie with secret compartments to conceal drugs.
Customized bras and girdles were designed to enhance the female figure, allowing for the drugs to be discreetly carried.
Smugglers also used false bags, suitcases, and dog crates to transport cocaine.
Each specially fitted bra could reportedly hold 1 kilogram of cocaine, translating to around $10,000 in profit at the time.
Cocaine Cowboy Wars and RuthlessnessGriselda Blanco’s ruthless approach to eliminating enemies and ordering hits in public areas during the day paved the way for the violent Cocaine Cowboy Wars in the late 1970s.
Arrest and ImprisonmentBlanco’s criminal empire came to an end in 1985 when she was arrested and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Wealth Accumulation and Real Estate InvestmentsGriselda Blanco accumulated massive wealth, estimated at $2 billion at her peak. Before her death, Celebrity Net Worth estimated her property holdings at approximately $500 million. Colombian federal law enforcement seized four properties worth around $118.7 million after her death.
Monthly Income and Business ValuationBlanco’s enterprise reportedly generated tens of millions of dollars monthly, with drug shipments exceeding 1,500 kilograms. Celebrity Net Worth valued her at $2 billion at her peak and claimed she made up to $80 million per month through her business.
Hidden Properties and Vast HoldingsReports suggest that she continued to drive her mazdita and collected money from property leases, demonstrating her ongoing financial strength and influence even after her criminal activities were exposed.

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