Maria Solomou: From 30 to 40 I experienced a life crisis.

Maria Solomou: From 30 to 40 I experienced a life crisis.

Maria Solomou was a guest on “The 2night Show” on Tuesday and talked about her relationship with her 18-year-old son, infidelity, and the worst phase of her life.

The well-known actress referred to her 18-year-old son and their relationship, stating that, as Maria Solomou said, he chooses not to tell his friends who his mother is.

Indeed, she described a funny incident when once she went to pick up her son and his friends from a concert, she was met with their screams because they didn’t know she was his mother.

“Once he accompanied me to a premiere 2-3 years ago. Now he walks two meters away from me, it’s terrible. He doesn’t say that his mother is Solomou,” the actress said.

She then mentioned that she had been a victim of infidelity, with the most “obvious” incident occurring at the age of 19 while she was in a relationship with an older man.

“What a pity I’m not stupid about these things. I understand everything. Suddenly I realized, I had no clue, that he was also seeing another girl regularly alongside me. A normal relationship, in other words. I started to investigate, I want evidence, I can’t and found everything. We talked to the girl, who was astonished. I did all this because I wanted to know, I wanted to understand. It wasn’t forgiven, but we gave him a tough time. I was 19 then, I could handle revenge, now I wouldn’t go through the same process, not even 5 minutes of my time, not even to verify it. I have no inclination,” she said pointedly.

When asked about the worst phase of her life, Maria Solomou revealed that she experienced a life crisis from the age of 30 to 40, which was also the worst phase of her life.

“There was a life crisis. I felt like I was aging! ‘Bring me a knitting, take me to the mountain, I’m getting old.’ I was incredibly tired, I had a child and this decade was guilty towards my child and at some point I had a very bad back and felt old,” she said.

Finally, she also referred to an incident in which she was recently besieged by journalists and photographers and, refusing to answer their questions, received intense criticism from entertainment shows. She explained that she cannot handle the suddenness, “when someone comes up to me with a microphone, because I said ‘I don’t answer,’ they still play me on all morning shows and because I don’t answer and because I’m rude… I’m not a person who doesn’t speak, but this went on for 3 months, twice a week. I’m neither rude nor can I say ‘leave me alone,’ nor can I answer. When I lack a bit of the punchlines they need to make something out of, they say ‘let’s go after Solomou, she’ll say something, we’ll pretend for two weeks…’ They make you feel like you have to apologize.”

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