Mirrella Papaioconomou: I didn’t hear my name anywhere

Mirrella Papaioconomou

Mirrella Papaioconomou: “In ’17 Threads,’ I wrote the script, but everyone says it’s Sotiris Tsafoulias’ series. Mirrella Papaioconomou was a guest on the “Studio 4” show on Tuesday, January 30, discussing the start of the series “17 Threads” for which she wrote the script. Amidst it all, the renowned screenwriter also talked about her work and the legendary series “Anastasia.”

Mirrella Papaioconomou

“In ’17 Threads,’ I wrote the script and Sotiris Tsafoulias directed it. This year is the first time I didn’t hear my name; everyone says ‘Tsafoulias’ series.’ It may be a coincidence.”

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Mirrella Papaioconomou

At another point, Mirrella Papaioconomou spoke about the series “Anastasia” starring Myrto Alikaki, which has made its mark on Greek television.

“For Anastasia, I didn’t need to try. It was approved immediately when I took it to the channel… Anastasia was the most daring script I had written… Anastasia has a very funny story; I wrote that she is a model. Actors who could be models came for the casting at my house, with the director… At some point, the doorbell rings, and a little girl enters, petite, who asked if we had a small role to give her, turned a video, and left. We didn’t have her in mind for the lead role.

We watch the videos again and say, ‘she is the one.’ The next day, I went to the channel and said, ‘I want her,’ and they asked me, ‘are you sure?’… they asked me, ‘are you taking responsibility?’ Mirrella Papaioconomou revealed.

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