Possible Threats at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games

2024 Olympic Games

Parc des Princes stadium where several sports of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games will be held. Credit: Ame Mueseler Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0

The fear of possible threats at the Paris Olympic Games was confirmed on Friday morning as a series of fires hit the French high-speed rail lines system overnight, disrupting transportation on opening day.

Thousands of passengers were left stranded at Paris’ Gare Du Nord, while rail company SNCF says it is a “massive attack aimed at paralyzing the network.” France’s transport minister condemns the “coordinated malicious acts,” BBC reports.

Experts have expressed their opinion that the Paris Olympic Games face a spectrum of potential threats which organizers, security agencies, and participants must consider. France has deployed 45,000 police officers to secure the games, given the possible threats related to the ongoing war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization.

These threats can range from terrorism and cyberattacks to logistical challenges and social unrest. French security forces are on alert days before the opening of the greatest athletic event to face the unique challenge.

Terrorism in France

There is the fear of potential terrorist attacks during the Paris Olympic Games as the City of Light has been the epicenter of the bloodiest terrorist attack in Europe in the last decade. On November 13, 2015, three terrorist attacks took place. The biggest was a bomb detonating at the Bataclan venue during a rock concert, killing over 100 people, while another 100 were taken hostage. Yet another bomb was detonated at Stade de France during a football game. The third attack was a shooting at a restaurant and a bar at the city center. In total, 130 people were killed and hundreds injured. The Islamic State was the perpetrator.

A year later, on July 14th, on France’s national holiday (Bastille Day), in Nice, a truck rushed into a crowd of people, killing 86 and injuring 434. Once again, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.

Terrorism is the primary concern for the Paris Olympic Games, as it is for any major international event where the gathering of large groups of people makes for a good target. Given the history of terrorist attacks France has faced, security measures are paramount.

According to Politico, Laurent Nuñez, chief of police in the French capital, stated in a press conference that “Islamist terrorism remains our main concern.”

Nuñez added: “There is no clear-cut threat yet against the Games and our country but I’d like to remind you that at the end of May, two individuals were arrested in Saint-Etienne and were plotting a project aimed directly at the Olympic Games.”

On Tuesday, a video was posted on the internet of a man with his face covered threatening a “bloodbath” while raising the severed head of a doll. What provoked this was that Olympic authorities did not place an embargo on Israeli athletes.

Cybersecurity threats

At the same time, there is the possible threat of cyber terrorism. This includes attacks on critical infrastructure, telecommunications, or data breaches aimed at disrupting the games or causing panic.

In an increasingly digital world, cybersecurity threats are significant. The threat of cyber attacks is significant as the Paris Olympic Games could be targeted by cyber espionage, such as attempts to steal sensitive information related to athletes, officials, or infrastructure.

Cyber attacks can target the Paris transportation system, generating confusion and creating problems to the efficient movement of athletes, officials, and spectators amidst Paris’ already congested transportation network.

Cyber attacks can also target the complex logistics systems required for such a large scale event that will last for over two weeks. These can also be aimed at health and safety organizations such as medical facilities and their personnel, police communication systems, and transportation systems.

Civil unrest

The large numbers of people in various stadiums may serve as an opportunity for protests and clashes between spectators or between protesters and the police. This can lead to large scale civil unrest that could disrupt athletic events or have a serious impact on security personnel.

The gathering of crowds of people is an opportunity for special interest groups to stage projects that may result in acts of vandalism or violence against others.

Overall, the Paris Olympic Games face a myriad of potential threats that require a comprehensive and adaptive security strategy. Intelligence gathering, technological solutions, public awareness campaigns, and international cooperation are key to deterring potential threats and securing a safe and successful event that celebrates athletic achievement and nothing else. Such efforts are already underway.