Radical America Is Not Happy With JD Vance as Running Mate

Senator JD Vance visits Rickenbacker ANGB

Trump’s choice of running mate for the 2024 US Presidential Election, US Senator JD Vance. Radical personalities of the US say they are not happy with JD Vance as Trump’s running mate. Credit: Ralph Branson / Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

After former President Donald Trump announced Ohio Senator JD Vance as his running mate, some of radical America’s more prominent personalities were unhappy. The more radical MAGA (Make America Great Again) voices took to social media to express their discontent with the announcement.

This was the case with far-right political commentator Nick Fuentes. On his show America First, he ranted about JD Vance being chosen as Donald Trump’s running mate for the upcoming election. Fuentes focused his criticism on two main factors, the first of which was Senator Vance’s wife.

JD Vance’s wife has been the subject of criticism by radical US extremists

Usha Chilukuri Vance is a practicing attorney and has been married to Senator JD Vance since 2014. Chilukuri Vance is a woman of Indian descent, but she was born in the United States. This was something Fuentes, a leading voice in radical America, referred to in criticizing JD Vance as a running mate. In a clip from his show that went viral on X, gaining almost 900,000 views, he publicly questioned JD Vance’s commitment to what he calls a “white identity.”

To grasp the second primary aspect of his criticism, one needs to recognize that Fuentes, an infamous public figure, faces accusations of anti-Semitism and white supremacy. In the same clip, he asserted that “white genocide is occurring worldwide” and that “white people are systematically being replaced.”

This comment was made to reference the radical and controversial great replacement theory that Fuentes has pushed.

Fuentes is a representation of radical America

This might seem like an isolated case, but the reality is much different. Throughout his online career, Nick Fuentes has said a significant amount of outrageous things. The tone of these claims is usually nationalistic and involves a great degree of racism and all sorts of discrimination toward ethnic groups and minorities. This has led some of the most popular right-wing commentators in the United States to dissociate themselves from Fuentes.

An example of this is Ben Shapiro. He is a Jewish conservative who is not a supporter of Trump himself but is one of the most followed right-wing voices in America. Shapiro distanced himself from Fuentes after being heckled by him at a Trump Point USA event. The distance between the two can also be explained through Fuentes’ blatant anti-Semitism.

Fuentes has repeatedly denied that the Holocaust happened and has also accused Ben Shapiro of putting Israel ahead of the United States. This ultimately led Ben Shapiro to cut ties with Fuentes and refuse to collaborate with him.

Trump values radical America’s loyalty

Continuous online controversy and increasingly radical views on issues such as immigration did not stop former President Trump from dining out with Fuentes. After this controversial dinner with Fuentes and rapper Ye (formerly known as Kanye West), Trump was heavily criticized by political allies and rivals.

Donald Trump values his most radical supporters. He has continuously met with members of radical groups such as the Proud Boys and has consistently refused to condemn them.

Radical America discovered that JD Vance was not a Trumper in 2016

Radical online personalities such as Fuentes have focused on JD Vance’s wife as an argument against him as a running mate. Despite this, other voices in radical America have chosen to focus on another key aspect of JD Vance’s past. Namely, he did not support Donald Trump in the 2016 election.

Searching through some of his past comments, far-right Trump supporters found out that JD Vance called Trump “America’s Hitler” before the election against Hilary Clinton. Trump supporters have used this to question JD Vance’s loyalty toward the former President.

However, Vance has come a long way from these criticisms toward Trump. He has embraced the so-called “New Right.” This is one of the more radical factions amongst Republicans, but it has quickly gained popularity. JD Vance embodies the more significant attributes of this faction: young, catholic, and a leader of a conservative revolution against “wokeness.” This has led Trump to decide he is the perfect running mate for his 2024 electoral campaign.